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Outpatient Therapy Services

What are Outpatient Therapy Services?

Outpatient Therapy Services are confidential, person-centered, strength-based, and designed to meet the needs of the individual. Outpatient Therapy Services accomplish this through an individualized assessment and a treatment planning process that is built around improving the individual’s quality of life.

Outpatient Therapy serves as a bridge to an individual’s wellness. Outpatient Therapy promotes the individual’s wholeness of one’s mind, body, and spirit.

What to Expect with Outpatient Therapy Services?

During the individual’s first appointment, the Outpatient Therapist will work with the individual and/or family to complete an initial assessment. After the assessment is completed, the Therapist and Individual/Family will work together to develop an individualized treatment plan identifying goals that lead to successful treatment.

The individual will team with a therapist to explore how the presenting problem affects all areas of their life. The overall goal of Outpatient Therapy is to help the individual identify personal strengths, create creative solutions, increase knowledge, and strengthen skills. This leads to a sense of independence, recovery, and a better quality of life. Counseling involves participation in individual counseling sessions, but can also include spouses, significant others, children, and extended family members.

Therapy appointments are typically 45 to 60 minutes. Appointments are scheduled weekly or biweekly based on the individual’s need.

We accept many insurance plans and/or offer an affordable payment plan using a sliding fee scale.

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Cornerstone Community Services

Bedford County
1234 Shed Road
Bedford, PA 15522
Phone: 814.623.5166 Toll Free: 877.814.5166

Somerset County
245 West Race Street
Somerset, PA 15522
(814) 443-4891 Phone: 814.443.4891 Toll Free: 877.814.4891