
Life can be complicated. Getting your medications doesn’t have to be.

Genoa Pharmacy

We’re here for you.

Making a trip to the pharmacy takes time. Avoid going to more than one pharmacy by getting all your medications from Genoa Healthcare. To make things easier for you, there is a pharmacy onsite at our office. You can get your medicine after your appointment or whenever you visit.

Because we are a full-service pharmacy, you can fill prescriptions from any doctor, even your primary care physician. If you need your medications and can’t get here, they can be delivered at no additional cost.

You will have the convenience of a team approach to talk about what is going on with your medication. We can help you stay on track by creating handy daily dose packs, so you will know that you’re taking the right medication at the right time. Our pharmacy team can also answer questions about your insurance.

It is easy to switch. Just call (814) 701-0986 or stop by.

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Call 866.611.6467 for
Crisis Intervention

You can also call or text 988

The professional help and support you need
is just a call away.


Cornerstone Community Services

Bedford County
1234 Shed Road
Bedford, PA 15522
Phone: 814.623.5166 Toll Free: 877.814.5166

Somerset County
245 West Race Street
Somerset, PA 15522
(814) 443-4891 Phone: 814.443.4891 Toll Free: 877.814.4891