
Nature doesn't explore just one path to reach a goal and neither do we.

Outpatient Services

How our individualized, strength based approach helps you achieve your goals

Outpatient Counseling Services Offer:

Psychiatric and Counseling Services are provided Monday through Friday. Evening appointments are available. Offices are in Bedford, Somerset, and Windber.

The Outpatient Counseling Services believes that the wholeness of one’s mind, body and spirit is essential to one’s recovery. Your therapist and/or doctor will team up with you to identify personal strengths, create solutions, and increase your healthy skills. Psychiatric and counseling services involve the individual and encourage family and natural supports.

Outpatient Counseling Services helps individuals, families, and couples of all ages and backgrounds learn to better cope with life stressors by increasing knowledge and awareness while referring to appropriate community supports.

We accept many insurance plans and/or offer an affordable payment plan using a sliding fee scale.

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Call 866.611.6467 for
Crisis Intervention

You can also call or text 988

The professional help and support you need
is just a call away.


Cornerstone Community Services

Bedford County
1234 Shed Road
Bedford, PA 15522
Phone: 814.623.5166 Toll Free: 877.814.5166

Somerset County
245 West Race Street
Somerset, PA 15522
(814) 443-4891 Phone: 814.443.4891 Toll Free: 877.814.4891